Daily Self Compassion and Loving Kindness Treatment

Daily Self Compassion and Loving Kindness Treatment (Estimated time: maybe 3 – 10 minutes depending on your lists and how you work them into your morning routine!) Wish your wonderful self a Good Morning! List

Start Your Day with 60 Second Feel Great Practice

As you open your eyes and swing your legs out of bed- sit and take 60 seconds (or perhaps you do this over your morning coffee, tea or beverage) List what you are grateful for

Your subconscious mind

Did you know? Your subconscious mind Includes the subconscious and unconscious mind and makes up 90 – 95% of your total mind Cannot process negatives (it interprets everything as a "positive" command to do

Desire to Rewire? Reboot your intentions with positive words and thoughts!

Your words, thoughts, emotions, behaviour and actions (especially meditation and mindfulness practices) can rewire – reshape and change the anatomy and physiology of - your brain!  Yes, it is true and has been scientifically proven.

Gratitude and Attitude

That is what it is all about! First thing in the morning list what you are grateful for starting with being grateful to be alive to greet another day! and set your attitude and intention

Try not

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try. Yoda The word "try" is weak and ineffectual - and allows people a way out of doing what they said they would "try" to